Foot Detox with Ionic Cleanse

Detoxing our bodies and our lives is more important now than ever.

Chemicals and pesticides are in our air, food and water. Many of these chemicals have not been studied nor even approved by the government. Even babies are now being born with chemical and mineral imbalances. Human beings have become guinea pigs with our mental and physical health dangerously at risk.

The foot detox, also known as the ionic cleanse, can help rid your body of harmful toxins.

Signs you may have a toxicity problem:

Are you experiencing any of the following?

Struggling with mental illness – anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive/bipolar disorder or mood swings

Recovering from cancer and/or chemotherapy treatments

Allergic or sensitive to certain foods and chemicals, stomach problems

Feeling exhausted and drained, having trouble sleeping and calming down

Your muscles and joints ache more – even after a night’s sleep or strenuous exercise

What they’re saying

Foot Detox for Fibromyalgia

“I have been suffering from fibromyalgia for several years. The detox cleanse has loosened up my muscles. There is no more tightness in my body and my arms and legs feel so much better. I highly recommend this cleanse.”

Kathy M., Retired nurse

Detox Reduced Allergy Symptoms

“After moving to Windsor, I developed severe allergies. Fortunately, detoxing has lessened my sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes. Even during peek pollen periods, I have been able to mow my lawn. There is no question, that the detox treatments have reduced my allergies significantly.”

Dr. John Wellman, Chiropractor

No More Knee Pain

“Much of the pain I was feeling in my knees, legs and went away after I began detoxification treatments with Margaret. After two months, the pain in my knees completely disappeared. Margaret also educated me about healthy eating. It’s been quite a knowledge journey Margaret, and I owe you a debt of gratitude.”

Cindy Nichols, Administrator

Comfortable and Safe Working with Margaret

“I feel very comfortable discussing my health issues and concerns with Margaret. She always provides me with useful advice. She definitely cares. I can’t wait for my next appointment.”

Maranda K., Admin staffer

Detox Cleared Acne

“After one treatment, I noticed that the acne on my back and shoulders improved. I haven’t had success like that in years. I recommend this detox treatment for anyone suffering from acne, rashes or other skin problems.”

Luke C., Software developer

Crohn’s Disease, Stopped Stomach Bloating, Better Digestion

“I have suffered from Crohn’s disease for more than 10 years. Just one detox treatment reduced my stomach bloating and improved my ability to digest food.

S. Varma, Student

Joint Pain Alleviated

“…The repetitive work I did for 14 years on an automotive plant assembly line wore out my shoulder and arm joints. My knees were so sore that I limped and winced with pain. Since beginning detox treatments, the pain has disappeared!”

Greg Bortolotto, Retired automotive worker and auto rep

Knee Pain – No Longer Need Medication

“I have lived with grinding pain and stiffness in my knees for more than 10 years. As my symptoms grew worse, I turned to 800 mg of Motrin five times per week to kill the pain. After three detox treatments, my pain has been reduced to the extent that I no longer need to take the Motrin.”

Randy Reaume, Retired plant manager

No More Back Pain

“I plant shrubs, flowers, and trees for a living. As a result, I have suffered from back pain for years. After several detox treatments, my back pain is no longer a problem.”

Lisa M., Landscaper

More Energy and Less Pain after Only 3 Treatments

“Twelve years ago, I broke 22 bones in a car accident. Those injuries coupled with sports injuries suffered during my college years left me in bad shape. After the third detox treatment, I felt more energetic and the pain in both my knees and back began to lessen. I’m looking forward to my next session.

Jerry Revenberg, Manager

Detox for Kidney Pain

“I was unable to bend down because my kidneys hurt so much. After just one detox treatment, my pain disappeared.”

Lisa W., Saleswoman

Stopped Taking Allergy Medication

“Thanks to the detox treatments, I have been able to stop taking my allergy medication!”

Rheem K., Aesthetician

Better Sleep

“For the first time in a long time, I slept all night! The detox treatment really works!!”

Rose M., School board employee

A safe and effective foot detox

The foot detox, also known as the ionic cleanse – safely and quickly removes toxins, chemicals and even parasites from your body by pulling the toxins out through your feet. The Ion Cleanse machine ionizes the foot bath water which gives the hydrogen in the water a positive charge. The positive charge attracts the negatively charged toxins in your body and enables them to bind to any heavy metals and toxins, similar to how a magnet works. This allows the toxins to be pulled out through the bottoms of your feet.

How It Works

Get In Touch

Call or email to discuss your health and find out if a foot detox  (ionic cleanse) is right for you

20 Minutes to Detox

Visit us for your appointment and in 20 minutes your foot detox is complete!

Feel refreshed and relaxed

Enjoy your relaxed and calm detoxed body, with more energy to enjoy your life

A Success Story…

Why should I choose a foot detox

with the ionic cleanse?


More effective

Purifies your body faster than any herbal or fasting method


No Stress

Works without causing significant stress to your body, even if you are sick


Quick and Easy

No need to eat or drink anything to get results, only takes 20 minutes

Learn More

Scientific research and documentation about the Foot Detox (Ionic Cleanse)

IonCleanse® Study

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IonCleanse by AMD Footbath Detox and Glyphosate Excretion

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Physiological Basis of Microcurrent Therapy

learn more

How ions are produced by the Ioncleanse device

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Heavy metals report with and without feet

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Medical Journalist Report of Biologics

learn more


Why should I detoxify my body?

Today, we are exposed to more harmful chemicals than ever before. Our air, water and food are polluted with toxic chemicals which we consume, inhale or drink on a daily basis. We frequently eat foods that contain chemicals, pesticides, additives, colourings and preservatives.  We consume tap and bottled water that contain varying levels of chlorine, arsenic, antimony and lead. Bisphenol A from plastic bottles leaches into water and is absorbed by our body. Infants are born every day with harmful chemicals already in their bodies.

These harmful chemicals and toxins are stored in our joints, organs, arteries, nerves and tissues. Without removal, they can build up in the system and disrupt normal functioning of the body, creating an environment for disease, allergies and immune system breakdown.

It is absolutely essential to cleanse the body on a regular basis. We clean car engines, sinks and bathtubs regularly – but what are you doing to remove harmful chemicals and toxins from your own body?

What does detoxification involve?

Detoxification is the process of removing harmful toxins, chemicals and other undesirable wastes that attack the body. These unwelcome elements create a variety of problems for people including headaches, allergies, arthritis and joint pain as well as other major and chronic diseases. The original ion cleanse electronic detoxification system offers the fastest, safest and most preferred way to detoxify the body.

Is the original ion cleanse safe?

Yes. This device is designed with three safety checks and has been both FCC (US gov’t regulation agency) and CE (European Union gov’t agency) approved.

What is the investment?

Each treatment costs $80 +tax. The original ion cleanse machine is very expensive, unlike the cheaper copies imported from China. The foot detox or ion cleanse is a safety certified treatment process using state of the art equipment. To achieve best results, a minimum of six to eight treatments are recommended. Those suffering from cancer, MS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Crohn’s, Lupus, or other diseases may need additional treatments.

Toxins coming out of my feet? How does that work?

An array plate is placed into a bucket of water. This metal plate reacts with water and salts which create waves of charged atoms or ions. The water then separates into oxygen and hydrogen. The patients place their feet into this water. Within seconds, millions of ions enter the body (through the feet) and begin to neutralize built up tissue acid wastes. The ions flow up through your body and then attract and attach themselves to oppositely charged toxic particles in your body. This process is called “osmosis” and these toxins and harmful chemicals are drawn out of the body through the pores of your feet. 

According to Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of Alkalize or Die, acid wastes attack joints, tissues, muscles, organs and glands causing minor to major dysfunction. Rashes, dark circles under the eyes, swollen joints, yellow-green and blotched complexions often indicate a buildup of tissue acid wastes inside the body. Fat and mucous residues found in the water after bathing reflect the wastes that have left the body during the 20-minute cleanse.

What can I expect during a treatment?

Sit back and relax. Let the ionic cleanse do its work. You’ll see the water turn colour gradually. This change reveals the different types of toxins being eliminated and indicates the organs from which they originate. Some people feel tingling on the bottom of their feet. Others feel tingling in their stomach, hands, fingers, mouth, or even their ears. It’s not unusual to feel no sensation at all. After the process ends, many clients remark on how relaxed they feel. Some even tell me they feel extremely relaxed for the rest of the day and sleep soundly that night.

What do the colours in the water represent?
  • Orange: Purifying the joints
  • Yellow-Green: Purifying the kidney, bladder, urinary tract, female/prostate area
  • White foam: Purifying the lymphatic system
  • Brown/Black: Purifying the liver (removing tobacco and cellular debris)
  • Dark Green: Purifying the gallbladder
  • Black Flecks: Associated with removal of heavy metals
  • Red Flecks: Associated with removal of blood clot material
How long is a treatment?

The process takes only 20 minutes. Many clients take advantage of that time to simply read and relax. Others bring along friends and family and have fun comparing gunk.

Is there a specific age group for which treatments are recommended?

No. My clients for ionic cleanse treatment range in age from young children (at least two years old) to adults in their late eighties. Sometimes parents who come for a treatment bring their children for a detoxification session as well. They are often shocked, to say the least, at the amount of harmful wastes, chemicals and toxins released from their children’s bodies.

Older clients often report more energy, the elimination of joint pain and generally improved health as a result of treatment. Cancer patients also report more energy and greater strength, even after undergoing weekly chemotherapy treatments!

Is there anyone who shouldn’t have a foot detox (ionic cleanse)?

This treatment is not appropriate for people who fall into the following categories:

  • Women who are pregnant or nursing
  • Those with a pacemaker or other battery operating or electrical implants
  • Individuals who have a weak heart or who take heartbeat-regulating medication
  • Those who have had their colon removed
  • Organ transplant recipients
  • Individuals who take anti-seizure or antipsychotic medications

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